Chilean CL
Our website CHILEAN.CL will be updated soon - Expect the new version of this website when I run out of Pisco.
Rob W. is a New Zealander who lived in Chile for 20 years and has been married to Ange (a Chilean) for even longer!
After two decades in Chile, having lived from Santa Rosa Paradero 20 to Las Condes, from being an English teacher to appearing on TV, you could say I've experienced a lot about Chilean culture and way of life. Many Chileans I have met have said that I am more Chilean than THE BEANS! (If you know, you know).
Something I enjoyed the most about living in Chile is Chilean humor and how quick and crazy it is .... There could be a national tragedy (like an 8.8 earthquake) but in seconds you will find a Chilean making you laugh about it. Don't even get me started on their memes ... I LOVE THEM!
Here on Chilean CL, we'll dive into the heart of Chile ... it's 'spicy' humor.
So, grab your empanada or hold onto your longaniza because things are about to get crazy here.
Meanwhile, subscribe to our YouTube Channel because we'll be uploaded funny stuff there very soon.
Or, if Instagram is your thing, go stalk us there.
Chilean Spanish
If you stumbled upon this website because you plan to come to Chile, then I highly recommend learning as much Spanish as possible before you arrive.
HOWEVER, don't get frustrated when you still can't understand a Chilean due to the speed Spanish is spoken here and all of the invented local words that you won't be taught in a text book (like the multiple meanings of WEON - see below). But don't worry, once you are here you will soon learn why terremotos are both a natural disaster and a drink, and that once isn't just a number.
I recommend
Chilean Spanish Pronunciation - How to pronounce like a Chilean ... and ...
Chilean Spanish Dictionary - Slang, Swearwords, Idiomatic Expressions
Meanwhile, you are welcome to learn general Spanish with these free Spanish lessons.
More about Chile and Chileans
You might be interested in the experience of a Chilean (woman) living in New Zealand: Ange Chile (Mostly written in Spanish).
You can also check out these articles Rob scribbled somewhere that surprisingly wasn't on a public bathroom wall:
- New Year’s Eve Traditions in Chile
- 4 Tips about Toilets in Chile
- 11 Tips about Chilean Food
- How is winter in Santiago, Chile?
- Tipping in Chile
- Chumbeques – Iquique, Chile
- Copao Fruit from Chile
Y eso no más!